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Monthly & Short Term Winter Vacation Rentals in Lavallette, NJ: Top Deals

5.0 (4 reviews)
Lavallette Beach home with ocean view steps from the beach
House · 8 Guests · 4 Bedrooms
$550 /night*
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4.2 (196 reviews)
The Grenville Hotel and Restaurant
$99 /night
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4.7 (84 reviews)
Point Pleasant Inn
$59 /night
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4.5 (197 reviews)
La Fontana Motel
$45 /night
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4.0 (289 reviews)
Best Western Leisure Inn
$91 /night
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4.0 (237 reviews)
Sand and Surf Motel
$69 /night
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4.1 (803 reviews)
Hershey Motel
$70 /night
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4.5 (35 reviews)
The Bentley Inn
$200 /night
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4.8 (327 reviews)
Skyview Manor Motel
$52 /night
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Which Price Range Is Most Typical in Lavallette, NJ Area?
Vacation House & Apartment Rental Price Information in Lavallette, NJ
The graph shows the percentages of vacation homes in each price bucket. Lavallette has the largest percentage (31.93%) of homes in $500+ price range.
$0 to 50
$0 to 50
$50 to 100
$50 to 100
$100 to 150
$100 to 150
$150 to 200
$150 to 200
$200 to 250
$200 to 250
$250 to 300
$250 to 300
$300 to 350
$300 to 350
$350 to 400
$350 to 400
$400 to 450
$400 to 450
$450 to 500
$450 to 500
$500 +
$500 +
What are some of the best activities, communities or places of interest for snowbirds in Lavallette, NJ?
Places of Interest for Snowbirds in Lavallette, NJ
Lavallette, NJ is a great place to visit for snowbirds looking for an escape from the cold. With its close proximity to beaches and healthcare facilities as well as plenty of nearby restaurants and shopping centers, it offers a variety of activities and attractions to enjoy. Plus, there are many senior-friendly communities in the area that offer plenty of amenities such as pools, fitness centers, and community events.

  • Lavallette Boardwalk

    The Lavallette Boardwalk is perfect for a leisurely stroll along the beachfront. This one-mile boardwalk provides breathtaking views of the Atlantic ocean and is lined with shops, restaurants, and ice cream parlors. There are also benches throughout the boardwalk where visitors can take a break and soak up the sun.

  • Dorothy B. Hersh Senior Center

    The Dorothy B. Hersh Senior Center offers daily activities and programs designed specifically for seniors. They have a wide range of classes including exercise, art, computer skills, and more. The center also organizes trips to local attractions and hosts special events such as bingo nights and holiday parties.

  • Seaside Heights Beach and Casino Pier

    Seaside Heights Beach and Casino Pier is just a short drive away from Lavallette and packed full of fun activities for snowbirds. Visitors can spend the day lounging on the beach, exploring the boardwalk, or playing classic arcade games at the pier. There is also a waterpark, amusement rides, and mini golf courses to enjoy.

How Many Accommodations Are Pets Allowed in Lavallette, NJ?
Percentage of Pet Friendly Rental Properties in Lavallette, NJ
20.62% of vacation homes in Lavallette are pet friendly. Either you bring your loved pets on vacation or you have pet allergies, make sure to select the homes by applying the right filters.
How Many Airports in Lavallette, NJ?
Suggested Airports in Lavallette, NJ

Here are the airports that located near Lavallette:

* The displayed nightly rate may be estimated based on a future travel date. Narrow down your search with checkin and checkout dates to see the exact price.
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