Reno, NV is a convenient place to stay for a few weeks. With an overall crime rate that is 35% lower than the national average and numerous public transportation options such as RTC Washoe Route 1 and 2 located within 0.6 miles of the given coordinates, it's easy to get around without needing a car. Additionally, there are several amenities including grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants, and other essential amenities within 0.3 miles of the given coordinates. Business centers and workplaces such as Grand Sierra Resort & Casino, The Summit, and Microsoft Technology Center are all less than 1 mile away from the given coordinates. Finally, there are multiple healthcare facilities such as Northern Nevada Medical Center and Renown Regional Medical Center located within 4 miles of the given coordinates.
- RTC Washoe Route 1: 0.6 miles
- RTC Washoe Route 2: 0.6 miles
- Grand Sierra Resort & Casino: 0.4 miles
- The Summit: 0.7 miles
- Microsoft Technology Center: 0.9 miles
- Northern Nevada Medical Center: 3.2 miles
- Renown Regional Medical Center: 3.7 miles