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Best Cheap RV Rental near Johnstown Area

5.0 (1 review)
2011 Forest River RV Cedar Creek Silverback 29RE
Fifth Wheel · 4 Guests
$114 /night
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Vacation Destinations Near Johnstown

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Fifth Wheel RV Rental with Air conditioning in Johnstown

5.0 (1 review)
2011 Forest River RV Cedar Creek Silverback 29RE
Fifth Wheel · 4 Guests
$114 /night
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Is wifi available for RVs in Johnstown area?
RVs Amenity Overview in Johnstown Area
Stay in RV is exciting moment! Choose all the amenities you need before making the final booking in Johnstown In Johnstown, 3 rentals offer Air conditioning, 3 rentals offer Refrigerator, 3 rentals offer Kitchen sink. So, if you need Air conditioning during your RV stays, use the Air conditioning filter to compare these RVs. Two amenities that are not typical are Toilet, Slide out.
What is the price range of RV rentals in Johnstown?
Price Distribution for RV Rental in Johnstown Area
The graph shows the percentages of RVs in each price bucket. Johnstown has the largest percentage (100.00%) of RV rental in $100 - $150 price range.
$0 to 50
$0 to 50
$50 to 100
$50 to 100
$100 to 150
$100 to 150
$150 to 200
$150 to 200
$200 to 250
$200 to 250
$250 to 300
$250 to 300
$300 to 350
$300 to 350
$350 to 400
$350 to 400
$400 to 450
$400 to 450
$450 to 500
$450 to 500
$500 +
$500 +
How to pick the right RV type in Johnstown?
RV Rental Overview in Johnstown
RV rental is a popular choice in Johnstown area. Before booking it, it is always good to see all the available rental options: Fifth Wheel, Toy Hauler, Travel Trailer. The number one RV type here is Fifth Wheel, and the percentage is 33.33%. Depending on your group size, each RV has a max capacity limit for guest.The least popular RV type in Johnstown is Travel Trailer
Is it convenient for me to bring my pets to Johnstown area?
Pet Friendly RV Rental Percentage in Johnstown
0.00% of RV rental in Johnstown are pet friendly. If you have pet allergies, it is important to select RV rentals which are not pet friendly. Make sure to use filters properly.
I will spend a weekend in Johnstown, where should I visit?
Suggested POIs in Johnstown

Those are the places to visit during your weekend RV getaway in Johnstown:

Trail recommendations with RV in Johnstown?
Best Trails In Johnstown with RV

Top trails recommended by RV owners in Johnstown

  • LHHT-Turnpike Shelters to Rt. 30
  • Jim Mayer Riverwalk Trail
  • The Stonycreek Driving Tour
  • Stackhouse Park Trail
  • James Wolfe Sculpture Trail
  • LHHV Mountain Trail
  • Staple Bend Tunnel
  • Joseph P Whipey Trail
  • Clark Run Rager Mountain Trail Loop
  • Honan Avenue Community Hiking and Biking Trail
Most recommended nearby campgrounds with RV in Johnstown?
RV Campgrounds Recommendations In Johnstown

Best RV campgrounds in Johnstown

  • Hickory Hollow Campground
  • Mountain Pines Campground
  • Pioneer Park Campground
  • Wright's Orchard Station Campground
  • Shawnee Sleepy Hollow Campground
  • Merritt Pond Campground
  • Donegal Campground
  • Laurel Highlands Campland
  • Bush Recreation Area
  • Wheel-In Campground
How Many Airports in Johnstown?
Suggested Airports in Johnstown

Toy Hauler RV Rental with Range or stove in Johnstown

5.0 (2 reviews)
2018 Starcraft Autumn Ridge 260HR
Toy Hauler · 5 Guests
$149 /night
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* The displayed nightly rate may be estimated based on a future travel date. Narrow down your search with checkin and checkout dates to see the exact price.
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