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Cheap Pet Friendly Hotels & Accommodation Deals in Norfolk, VA

Which Price Range Is Considered As A Good Deal in Norfolk, VA Area?
Vacation House & Condo Rental Price Information in Norfolk, VA
The graph shows the percentages of vacation homes in each price bucket. Norfolk has the largest percentage (16.57%) of homes in $100 - $150 price range.
$0 to 50
$0 to 50
$50 to 100
$50 to 100
$100 to 150
$100 to 150
$150 to 200
$150 to 200
$200 to 250
$200 to 250
$250 to 300
$250 to 300
$300 to 350
$300 to 350
$350 to 400
$350 to 400
$400 to 450
$400 to 450
$450 to 500
$450 to 500
$500 +
$500 +
How Many Accommodations Are Not Pets Friendly in Norfolk, VA?
Percentage of Pet Friendly Rental Properties in Norfolk, VA
25.12% of vacation homes in Norfolk are pet friendly. If you have pet allergies, make sure to check the home property and see whether it is a pet-friendly vacation home or not.
Where are the best pet-friendly restaurants in Norfolk, VA?
Pet-Friendly Restaurants in Norfolk, VA

Norfolk, VA is a great place to take your furry friends out to eat. From cozy cafes to lively pubs and seafood restaurants, there's something for everyone. Here are some of the top pet-friendly restaurants in town:

  • The Boot Restaurant & Bar: This rustic restaurant serves up classic American dishes with an Italian twist. Enjoy delicious meals on their spacious outdoor patio while your pets lounge by your feet.
  • Cogans Pizza Ghent: Craving some pizza? Cogans Pizza Ghent is the perfect spot. They offer a wide range of pizzas, salads and sandwiches that you can enjoy with your pup in tow.
  • Karl's Klipper Bar & Grill: Located right on the Chesapeake Bay, Karl's Klipper Bar & Grill is a great spot for waterfront dining. Dogs are welcome to join you as you sip cocktails and enjoy fresh seafood dishes.
What activities can I do with my pet in Norfolk, VA?
Pet-Friendly Activities in Norfolk, VA

Norfolk, VA has plenty of exciting activities for you and your four-legged friend to enjoy. From nature hikes to dog parks, here are some of the best pet-friendly activities in town:

  • Dog Beach at Willoughby Spit: Take your pup to Dog Beach at Willoughby Spit for a fun day of sunbathing and swimming. This beach is off-leash, so let your pup explore the shoreline to his heart's content.
  • Ghent Dog Park: Ghent Dog Park is a great spot to let your pup play off-leash. There are separate areas for small and large dogs, plus plenty of benches and shade trees for owners to relax.
  • Mount Trashmore Park: Take your pup for a scenic stroll around Mount Trashmore Park. This 65-acre park features two man-made lakes, walking trails and beautiful views of the city skyline.
Which Airports Should I Choose To Get To Norfolk, VA?
Suggested Airports in Norfolk, VA

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